Post-Doctoral Researcher
Department of Physiology,
Ajou University School of Medicine
View My Google Scholar Profile
Researches on machine learning algorithms and those applications in various fields
Ajou University, Suwon, Republic of Korea (March 2009 - August 2022)
Daegu Science High School, Daegu, Republic of Korea (March 2006 - February 2009)
[ † Equally contributed authors & * Corresponding authors ]
[12] Sunghong Park†, Doyoon Kim†, Hyunjung Shin*, Hyun Goo Woo* et al. “Plasma protein-based identification of imaging-driven subtypes in mild cognitive impairment via protein-protein interaction aware explainable graph propagational network”. (Submitted to) Computers in Biology and Medicine (2024)
[11] Sunghong Park†, Dong-gi Lee†, Hyun Goo Woo*, Hyunjung Shin* et al. “Explainable multiplex graph propagation network with multimodal neuroimage integration for dementia subtype diagnosis”. (Submitted to) IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2024)
[10] Sunghong Park†, Dong-gi Lee†, Juhyeon Kim†, Hyunjung Shin*, Hyun Goo Woo* et al. “NetPRS: SNP interaction aware network-based polygenic risk score for Alzheimer’s disease”. (Submitted to) IEEE EMBS BHI 2024 Conference (2024)
[9] Sunghong Park†, Yonghyun Nam†, Kanghee Park†, Hyun Goo Woo*, Hyunjung Shin*. “Multiplex Graph Domain Adaptation for Semi-Supervised Learning”. (Submitted to) IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2024)
[8] Sunghong Park, Hyunjung Shin* et al. “Prospective Domain Adaptation for Longitudinal Data”. (Submitted to) Knowledge-Based Systems (2024)
[7] Sunghong Park, Hyunjung Shin*, Hyun Goo Woo* et al. “Identification of molecular subtypes of dementia by using blood-proteins interaction-aware graph propagational network”. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 25(5):bbae428, September 2024. (JCR2023 - IF=6.8 / Top 4.1%) [Paper]
[6] Sunghong Park, Sang Joon Son, Kanghee Park, Yonghyun Nam, Hyunjung Shin*. “In-house data adaptation to public data: multisite MRI harmonization to predict Alzheimer’s disease conversion”. Expert Systems with Applications, 238:122253, March 2024. (JCR2022 - IF=8.5 / Top 6.4%) [Paper]
[5] Sunghong Park†, Kanghee Park†, Hyunjung Shin*. “Network based Enterprise Profiling with Semi-Supervised Learning”. Expert Systems with Applications, 238:121716, March 2024. (JCR2022 - IF=8.5 / Top 6.4%) [Paper]
[4] Sunghong Park, Myung Jun Kim, Kanghee Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Mutual Domain Adaptation”. Pattern Recognition, 145:109919, January 2024. (JCR2022 - IF=8.0 / Top 10.7%) [Paper]
[3] Sunghong Park, Chang Hyung Hong, Dong-gi Lee, Kanghee Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Prospective classification of Alzheimer’s disease conversion from mild cognitive impairment”. Neural Networks, 164:335-344, July 2023. (JCR2022 - IF=7.8 / Top 9.4%) [Paper]
[2] Sunghong Park, Junhee Cho, Kanghee Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Customer sentiment analysis with more sensibility”. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 104:104356, September 2021. (JCR2020 - IF=6.212 / Top 7.222%) [Paper]
[1] Sunghong Park, Dong-gi Lee, Hyunjung Shin*. “Network Mirroring for Drug Repositioning”. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17:1-11, May 2017. (JCR2015 - IF=2.042 / Top 42.500%) [Paper]
[ † Equally contributed authors & * Corresponding authors ]
[30] Sunghong Park, Kanghee Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Domain adaptation based multi-graph integration for semi-supervised learning”. Proc. of Korea Computer Congress 2022 (KCC 2022), June 2022, Jeju (Korea).
[29] Sunghong Park, Sang Joon Son, Yonghyun Nam, Hyunjung Shin*. “Predicting Alzheimer’s disease progression using multi-site domain adaptation”. Proc. of Korea Computer Congress 2022 (KCC 2022), June 2022, Jeju (Korea).
[28] Sunghong Park, Dong-gi Lee, Chang Hyung Hong, Hyunjung Shin*. “Prospective Classification for Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease Progression”. Proc. of Korea Computer Congress 2022 (KCC 2022), June 2022, Jeju (Korea).
[27] Sunghong Park, Kanghee Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Semi-supervised learning using domain adaptation-based multi-graph integration”. Proc. of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (KIIE 2022 Spring), June 2022, Jeju (Korea).
[26] Sunghong Park, Sang Joon Son, Yonghyun Nam, Hyunjung Shin*. “Dementia progression prediction using multi-site domain adaptation”. Proc. of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (KIIE 2022 Spring), June 2022, Jeju (Korea).
[25] Sunghong Park, Dong-gi Lee, Chang Hyung Hong, Hyunjung Shin*. “A Prospective Classification Algorithm for Predicting Dementia Progression”. Proc. of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (KIIE 2022 Spring), June 2022, Jeju (Korea).
[24] Dong-gi Lee, Junhee Cho, Myungjun Kim, Sunghong Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Learning Neural Networks without Lazy Weights”, Proc. of 2022 International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BIGCOMP 2022).
[23] Myeonggeon Park, Sunghong Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Literature Representation using Character Networks based on Sentiment Analysis”, Proc. of 2022 International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BIGCOMP 2022).
[22] Sunghong Park, Myungjun Kim, Hyunjung Shin*. “Mutual Label Propagation with Domain Adaptation based Semi-Supervised Learning”. Proc. of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (KIIE 2021 Spring), June 2021, Jeju (Korea).
[21] Myeonggeon Park, Sunghong Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Network based Sentiment Analysis for Narrative Representation”. Proc. of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (KIIE 2021 Spring), June 2021, Jeju (Korea).
[20] Sunghong Park, Myungjun Kim, Hyunjung Shin*. “Mutual Semi-Supervised Learning”. Proc. of Korea Software Congress 2020 (KSC 2020), December 2020, Online conference.
[19] Myeonggeon Park, Sunghong Park, Sunjoo Bang, Hyunjung Shin*. “Clustering Novels with Character Sentiment Network”. Proc. Of Korea Software Congress 2020 (KSC 2020), December 2020, Online conference.
[18] Myeonggeon Park, Sunghong Park, Sunjoo Bang, Hyunjung Shin*. “Extracting Novel Vectors based on Character Network”. Proc. of the Korea Data Mining Society Conference Conference (KDMS 2020 Fall), November 2020, Seoul (Korea).
[17] Jong Ho Jhee, Sunghong Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Graph Classification with Gromov-Wasserstein Distance via Heat Kernel”. Proc. of Korea Software Congress 2019 (KSC 2019), December 2019, PyeongChang (Korea).
[16] Sunghong Park, Kanghee Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Design of Enterprise Evalulation and Potential Prospect Index using Machine Learning”. Proc. of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (KIIE 2019 Fall), November 2019, Seoul (Korea).
[15] Sunghong Park, Kanghee Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Machine Learning based Enterprise Evaluation Model using Financial Information”. Proc. of Korea Software Congress 2018 (KSC2018), December 2019, PyeongChang (Korea).
[14] Sunghong Park, Kanghee Park and Hyunjung Shin*. “Machine Learning based Enterprise Prospect Evaluation”. 2019 International Joint Conference on AI & Data Science: Mathematics and Applications, Suwon (Korea).
[13] Sunghong Park, Kanghee Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Financial Information based Enterprise Evaluation Model with Semi-Supervised Learning”. Proc. of the Korea Data Mining Society Conference Conference (KDMS 2018 Fall), November 2018, Seoul (Korea).
[12] Sunghong Park, Kanghee Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Semi-Supervised Learning based Korean Sentiment Dictionary Construction with SentiWordNet”. Proc. of the Korea Data Mining Society Conference Conference (KDMS 2018 Fall), November 2018, Seoul (Korea).
[11] Dong-gi Lee, Myungjun Kim, Sunghong Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Causal Disease Chains from Various Biomedical data”, Proc. of 17th European Conference on Computational Biology 2018 (ECCB 2018).
[10] Sunghong Park, Dong-gi Lee, Hyunjung Shin*. “SentiWordNet based Korean Sentiment Dictionary Construction via Machine Learning”. Proc. of Korea Computer Congress 2018 (KCC 2018), June 2018, Jeju (Korea).
[9] Dong-gi Lee, Myungjun Kim, Sunghong Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Inference on Chains of Disease Causal Relationship based on k-shortest Path Algorithm”. Proc. of Korea Computer Congress 2018 (KCC2018), June 2018, Jeju (Korea).
[8] Sunghong Park, Junhee Cho, Hyunjung Shin*. “Sentiment Dictionary Construction and Customer Evaluation Analysis via Machine Learning”. Proc. of the Business Intelligence and Data Mining Conference (BIDM 2018 Spring).
[7] Sunghong Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Analysis of Word Polarity Expansion and Emotion Inducing Factors in Sentiment Analysis”. Proc. of The Korean Software Congress 2017 (KSC 2017), December 2017, Busan (Korea).
[6] Sunghong Park, Dong-gi Lee, Hyunjung Shin*. “Mirroring Disease Networks for Drug Repositioning”. Proc. of the Korean Society for Cognitive Science (KSCS 2017), May 2017, Seoul (Korea).
[5] Sunghong Park, Dong-gi Lee, Hyunjung Shin*. “Machine Learning Algorithm for Drug Repositioning”. Proc. of the Business Intelligence and Data Mining Conference (BIDM 2016 Fall), November 2016, Seoul (Korea)*.
[4] Sunghong Park, Dong-gi Lee, Hyunjung Shin*. “Network Mirroring for Drug Repositioning”, Proc. of Translational Bioinformatics Conference 2016 (TBC 2016).
[3] Sunghong Park, Dong-gi Lee and Hyunjung Shin*. “Drug Repositioning with Disease Network Reflection”, Proc. of the BIOINFO 2016 (BIOINFO 2016).
[2] Jiwoo Han, Kangsik Shin, Kilyong Lee, Kyunghye Kim, Minsoo Kim, Sunghong Park, Hyunjung Shin*. “Development plan for successful PyeongChang 2018 Olympic”. Proc. of Joint Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering, April 2016, Jeju (Korea).
[1] Sunghong Park, Dong-gi Lee, Hyunjung Shin*. “Network Mirroring for Drug Repositioning”. Proc. of Joint Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering (MSIE 2016), April 2016, Jeju (Korea).